Love tofu and soy products of men should be careful. According to the American media reported recently, Harvard University's school of public health, a new study clearly again, every day if eating soy products, will make a man's sperm quantity decreased obviously.
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The study by the harvard school of public health in the George check volo doctor completed. From 2000 to 2006, the researchers tracked 99 men. Study the result is surprising: eat soybean products every day of men, the every milliliter semen only 41 million sperm, obviously lower than eat less soy products of the men. According to information, every milliliter in semen sperm to less than 20 million belong to low sperm concentration, easy to infertility. In addition, the link in obese men reflected more obvious.
Check volo think, soy products on the male reproductive system, especially the generation of sperm have an adverse effect. Soybean products contains abundant isoflavone plant estrogen, if absorbed overmuch, nature will affect male body of the male hormone level, leading to a series of negative consequences.
China also had by experts, eat soybean products too much can affect a man's sperm quantity. In recent five years, some experts have been about the problem. He also found that often eat soybean products of men, happen erectile dysfunction chance is not often eat of the 3.46 times.
But according to the guardian, a British newspaper, reported on July 29, represent Britain soybean food processing industry of soybean protein association says, there is no conclusive evidence that soy harmful to human body health, and daily life in the soy intake will never make men appear increased risk of estrogen. Experts think, right amount to eat soybean products, is to avoid the health risks of men appear best method. The so-called "moderate", it is to point to three times a week to eat the following, each time is about 100 g.
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