No refined disease simple said semen is no sperm. So, no refined in patients of the semen characteristics is what kind of?
Sperm quantity can reflect the secretion of the male hormone testosterone and attach the function of the state, the seminal vesicle and prostate innate growth unusual or dysfunction can lead to sperm volume decreases. In our studies found that semen quantity below normal endocrine hormone level the represented prolactin (PRL) high, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and corpus luteum erythropoietin (LH) high, in color doppler physical examination, have found that most seminal vesicle, seminal vesicle small, testicular scabbard effusion, varicose veins and epididymis cyst abnormalities. Jia shi HengXin male sterility hospital medical center said the attending physician, no refined disease semen in a certain extent volume also can show high prolactin hematic disease and high gonadotropin had secreted the sexual function lowly disease.
In addition, congenital seminal vesicle absent and epididymis lesions and vas deferens obstruction, semen PH value falls; While acute epididymitis, prostatitis and seminal vesicle phlogistic, PH > 8.0. In our study, PH > 810 sperm and semen and seminal plasma elastase content detect suggesting infection; At the same time, semen features is the "710 PH of no refined in patients of doppler examined for seminal vesicle!!!!! Epididymis cysts or varicose veins abnormal. So, no sperm in patients semen volume and PH value can reflect the men and the development and function of the subsidiary, analyzes its cause very meaningful, should be attached.
No sperm semen biochemical examination is a disease of the prostate gland, the seminal vesicle and epididymis secrete a function analysis. Semen fructose mainly by the seminal vesicle gland produces, congenital without the seminal vesicle vasectomy, or the seminal vesicle dysplasia no sperm caused by the disease, fructose is zero or trace, the sperm volume is low also. Pure obstructive no refined the vasectomy disease, sugar contents to normal. We in the study found, fructose below normal no sperm in patients with the disease, color doppler routine check-up for abnormal or no more seminal vesicle seminal vesicle features. At the same time, we also found that for high serum of have no sperm in patients the sugar contents and much higher than the reference, such as Buckett say it may and no sperm in patients reduce fructose metabolic relevant, is more likely to be no refined in patients increase of the seminal vesicle fructose product.
Obstruction sex no refined disease mainly by the lack of such as the attached or abnormal and infection causes such as word of the vas deferens obstruction. Male reproductive tract infection, points leaves in nuclear granulocyte engulfed the anti-inflammatory agents, etc response in the seminal plasma cells secrete the elastic hard protease, its as static type of diagnosis and the reproductive tract infection after the reliability of the monitoring indicators, obtained the approval. We found that the experiment, elastic hard protease content to reflect the cases, color doppler detection for more orchitis and testicular scabbard effusion combined epididymis cyst.
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