Many factors influence the quality of the sperm, electromagnetic radiation, radiation, in temperature of the scrotum, drugs, lack of trace elements , contact chemical products, pesticides, and so on will affect sperm quality. And the above situation with the doctor's tips and their analysis, general can find out why. If not produced permanent testicular damage, as long as this contact out, after a period of treatment and rehabilitation, most people can be back to normal.
Here is mainly aimed at young people sexual activity caused by excessive semen quality declines. I received in the consultation, the problem of a lot of number: "... the excessive sexual activity from now, the semen of solidification, like "jelly" as..." Or "... sperm become very loose, transparent and even 'than water bad not how much'..." . This is because the sexual activity excessive, lead to burden the organ in to.
Normal men's sperm is ivory, with special smell of the liquid, some abstinence long man's semen pale yellow. Sperm is male with the secretion of the mixture, mainly from the seminal vesicle glands and prostate cancer. With 60% of them coming from the seminal vesicle gland, 30% from the prostate, 10% from epididymis vasectomy pot belly, urethra, ball glands and urethral glands. With after ejaculation ejaculation, semen need to the solidification, gel, a series of physical and chemical reaction, liquefaction, make the semen is liquid.
Excessive sexual activities , frequent sexual excitement, ejaculation, gonad long-term in organ in makes congestive state, this not only make testicular sperm function for manufacturing overload and be damaged, make the quality of the sperm decline. And also can cause accessory glands participate in manufacturing semen ability. This represents the semen quality decline. Such as: the prostatic secretion decline in semen contains folic acid or acidic phosphatase reduce, not all semen liquefaction. This appeared "semen solidification, like" jelly "as". And appear semen quality down, is undoubtedly will affect fertility.
So, for excessive sexual activities cause of the semen quality drop, first to the activities of the TTP frequency, let the organ in the chronic congestion, the full after the break, disappear, ease, and at the same time use drug therapy, adjusting to the root of the problem.
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