
Don't want to lose the sexual desire your sperm

If you don't want to lose sexual desire, daily please follow the following protection sperm methods:

One, please immediately discarded cigarettes. A pack of cigarettes per day more men, sperm motility than non-smokers sperm is weak. But after quitting, should pay special attention to don't upset, because it will make testosterone drop, causing the sperm reduced.

Second, rose up at night urination is a good habit, because it will be good for sperm production.

Three, contains vitamin E and all kinds of trace elements of fruit, vegetables are against damage sperm germs role. Therefore, we should eat more contain vitamin E and trace elements of food. The latest research shows that fish products and other food can make sperm number 2 times.

Four, wearing baggy pants cotton than "Y" glyph nylon underwear is good, so can the skin from interference, be helpful for sperm production. The bath water to avoid overheating. One day sit not to drive more than 3 hours, because testicular on the body time is too long, can make the temperature, affect sperm formation.

Five, if found genital some abnormalities, shall be immediately please doctor check.

Six, nervousness, angry is hundreds of disease causes, including sperm to abate.

Seven, if genital often congestion, can make the scrotal temperature increases, causing the sperm motility reduced. Therefore, should not be long-term abstinence.

Eight, the fierce running games lower sperm motility, so running want right amount, not too intense.

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