According to the world health organization by normal semen standard, judge whether normal semen can be analyzed from the following several aspects:
1. Color: normal is grey or with yellow. Ivory or yellow-green tip the genital tract or vice glands exist inflammation; Pink, red, under a microscope to see the red blood cells for hemorrhagic semen, common in the vice gonads, posterior urethral inflammation, accidentally visible at tuberculosis or tumor.
2. PH: sperm normal pH value for 7 2 ~ 7 8. Less than 7 2 in tube obstruction by urine or ejaculation pollution; More than 7 8 in the seminal vesicle inflammation or specimen obsolete.
3. Viscosity: will touch has a glass rod of the semen liquefaction, gently to hold, can form semen silk, normal when its length less than 2 cm.
4. Sperm quantity: normal acuity 2 ml. More than 7 ml for too much when, not only reduce the sperm density, and easily flows from the vagina, so that the total number of sperm reduce, common in the seminal vesicle phlogistic; Less than 2 ml for sperm quantity too little, but usually in 1 ml the following for less. Sperm and female genital contact at a small area, or because of sticky sperm into the woman's mouth against the cervix and cause infertility, common in the serious vice gonads inflammation, low testosterone leels, the ejaculation obstruction and retrograde ejaculation, etc.
5. Liquefied time: normal sperm injection, in the role of the seminal vesicle solidify enzyme become glue frozen form, by 15 to 30 minutes in the prostate liquefaction under the action of enzymes to liquid, this is the semen liquefaction. Sperm injection after 30 minutes, semen liquefaction still don't belong to the abnormal.
6. Sperm counts: per milliliter of semen general sperm count said. Normal count acuity 20 x 10 6 / ml. Below this threshold for sperm too little, in the life of all causes of pure dysfunction, and so on, can be sperm into the uterine cavity and because of the fallopian tube and the less chance to low fertility and sterility. Such as sperm counts more than 250 x 10 6 / ml for sperm too much, because of its total affected also can cause infertility.
7. White blood cells: normal sperm of white blood cells < 1 x 10 6 / ml. White blood cells that increased the existence of the genital tract or infection.
8. Sperm forms: the normal form of the sperm acuity 50%, or can cause infertility.
9. Activity: sperm in a straight line to move forward quickly: the 50%.
10. The survival rate: usually refers to ejaculation within an hour of inspection, live sperm: 50%. Sperm activity in a common cause of survival rate and reduce the inflammation, a deputy varicocele, chronic respiratory tract infections sluggish cilia syndrome, existing in the semen antisperm antibody or specimen improper storage.
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