People often sigh "life is short, but the fact is, as the male reproductive cells sperm-my life is difficult and is short.
In our birth, mature to complete the whole process of fertilization mission, the time faced with damage and dangerous. Our life is not only spoiled, and not self-defense and resist the ability, so, "crowd tactics" and to avoid is to survive.
Male host body
Mother's arms was not all plain sailing
Avoid the outside factors on birth mother (spermary) after the interference, we can be born out and into the arms of mother (epididymis), but the mature process is also not easy. Several kinds of disease (such as n/med tuberculosis sex, drench bacteriostasis epididymis inflammation and epididymis cyst, damage and congenital defect epididymis etc) cause epididymis tube obstruction or function drops, can make it is difficult for us to move forward or disability. In addition, drugs and high temperature (more than 35 degrees Celsius) could also lead to damage to the mother.
Blocked way forward, only to die
If successfully grown up, but front channel anomalies, we advance the obstruction, but only until die a natural death. Such as narrow or jam vasectomy, ejaculation tube be blocked, serious congenital hypospadias to fracture or traumatic urethral, we will not reach the hostess the body.
Man has no wind, we die a terrible death land
If above all sorts of effects have survived, don't be fooled, will have to see whether a male host robin of man, this is the first motive force us to go out. Impotence serious, we can't enter the hostess the body. Serious premature ejaculation, your penis is not into the vagina before ejaculation, we will die a terrible death land. Don't ejaculation disease, make we can't run away from the trap. Retrograde ejaculation, have ejaculation process, but from the normal path out not to, can only be diverted rushed into the bladder, buried at sea.
Accessory glands abnormalities, like the flood beast
Accessory glands abnormalities, that semen quality and quantity change, and to us the life activities of an important influence. First is inflammation, including epididymis, seminal vesicle glands, the prostate gland, urethra ball gland inflammation of the occur, especially the fester sex inflammation influence is more serious. Inflammation occurs, the pathogen (bacteria, mycoplasma, chlamydia, etc) in growth, reproduction, death created during the large amount of toxins to semen, like the flood beast. We shrink away from the sufferer, had to scarper, but avoid range is limited, many brothers were all damage causes damage to death. At the same time, the body's defense system use up, a lot of white blood cells and macrophages in succession fight out of vessels. In eat pathogens, also we are many compatriots as alien to eclipsed.
How much testosterone, and we are so closely related
All activities of the human body with its own endocrine function closely related. Our generation, mature, releasing process is inseparable from the normal amount testosterone (serum of 12.49 ~ 31.58, Moore per litre) role. Increased testosterone, can cause testicular function in the hypothalamus-the adjustment of the pituitary gland-testicular shaft happens disorder, too much testosterone into estrogen against androgen, will seriously affect the function of the testicles, leads to no sperm or less sperm. Testosterone decreases, also inhibit our generation.
Antisperm antibody, our natural enemies
We the way but also by the natural enemies-antisperm antibody threat. When some reason (such as testis and epididymis inflammation or obstruction) damaged blood levels barrier, the immune system into the semen antigen form antisperm antibody, will seriously affect our ability to move.
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