
Will cause abnormal sperm of several diseases

1. Sexually transmitted diseases caused by abnormal sperm

In the whole crowd, with sexual transmission of disease and not the disease of the disease incidence no sperm similar, but the former significantly higher incidence of abnormal semen analysis. Sexually transmitted diseases don't seem to affect sperm density, suggesting that does not cause narrow or blocked way. Sexually transmitted diseases as the average performance in sperm activity rate drop, this and the function of disorders especially attached with the epididymitis relevant. Important, solution urea mycoplasma, chlamydia trachomatis infection in clinical also are very common, and these infections and no significant symptom, more certain concealment.

2. Mumps

Puberty happen mumps, will not cause no sperm the incidence of disease increases, but with higher abnormal sperm possibility. After puberty sperm density was significantly lower than the person who did not come on or before the onset of adolescence. Only 4.4% of patients with the mumps orchitis with. Before puberty diseased rarely merger orchitis, but after puberty is sick can occur. Testicular inflammation significantly affect sperm quality, increase the incidence of disease no sperm, especially bilateral testicular inflammation. Whether unilateral or bilateral testicular inflammation, semen analysis unusual person increase. In short, mumps orchitis especially merger, the birth will produce the bad influence.

Can cause abnormal sperm of the disease

3. Testicular itself

Poor testicular descent is very common factors, with the history of man without sperm disease incidence rate significantly increased, and bilateral testicular descent of undesirable person no sperm disease incidence of two times higher than unilateral. This kind of patients even with the sperm and semen quality also unusual, especially less refined significantly increased disease.

Testicular damage often affect the normal function, although many men in life happened some degree of testicular damage, but only those with record here scrotum hematoma or blood in the urine, suggests that a testicular or reproduction of infertility patients urethral injury. This kind of patient's disease or sperm vision without sperm incidence increased significantly. Testicular damage is often accompanied by urethral symptoms (16.8%), while only 8.8% is the condition appear this kind of symptoms, they are significantly different. And the former of the attached rates also higher. Testicular torsion although incidence is not high, once the often complicated by no sperm) and less refined disease.

Epididymis or orchitis is also common disease, this kind of patient sperm density and activities rate significantly lower than the history of no man, testicular volume is minor. Urinary symptoms may have immune factors, with the incidence of inflammation and higher.

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