
What color is abnormal sperm

By the sperm and semen seminal plasma composition. Sperm quantity of tiny part only, more than 90% of pure pulp. Seminal plasma is by the prostate, seminal vesicle, urethra ball gland, urethral along the secretion of the gland, subsidiary, main component is water, and fat, protein particles, the pigment particles, lecithin small body, enzymes, fructose several components, etc.

The color of the semen is composed by the composition of the semen decision. Normal sperm is grey or a little with a yellow, if abstinence time is longer, due to the physical and chemical properties change, the color will become yellow some. This is normal.

Abnormal sperm including: sperm or with the milky yellow, show that the genital tract has inflammation, probably is prostate and suppurative infection of the seminal vesicle. Semen red, and show that semen contains red blood cells, usually called "blood essence". Blood by fine most seminal vesicle phlogistic or prostatitis be caused by. This kind of inflammation of the blood of the cause of many for pink. If because of vascular malformation cause small vascular rupture, and the blood is bright red fine, and saw a blood clot.

Abnormal sperm color is not terrible, once you find reason symptomatic treatment, color and can be back to normal.

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