
Storage semen did not shoot the vulnerable to "stone"

Many men think that fixing sperm can strengthen, but medics found that men if not timely ejaculation, prone to prostatic stone, cause waist pain, voiding and not worry, but is adverse to health. Cause prostatic stone, many reasons, which is the main reason why insufficient ejaculation. Prostatic secretion will include prostatic fluid, protein and minerals fluid, liquid and the sperm cell will form semen, transurethral eduction, if not timely "anger" semen, years tried deposit on the prostatic easier, stone formation.

Prostatic stone diameter is about 0.2 to 0.3 centimeter in, is small, but may grow a lot of. A thought and fixing sperm can strengthen the more than seventy years old, several years not to have sex ejaculation, long more than 50 of prostatic stone, urinate all quick solution doesn't come out.

Moderate, regular ejaculation, is beneficial for the body, blindly trial, solid fine, but may hurt a body, he encouraged a male sex partner in, not the partner can also be masturbation to, many ejaculation, concretion.

As for how long a time just appropriate ejaculation? A simple formula sheets (ejaculation table) : age (first digits) x9, for example, more than 60 years old 6 x9 = 54, for every five weeks to do four times, more than 70 years old in 7 x9 = 63, every six weeks to do three times. Calculate you a few weeks to do several times?

2 x9 = = = > 18 20. Every week ejaculation 8 times

3 x9 = = = > 30 27. Every two weeks ejaculation 7 times

4 x9 = = = > 36 40 years old. Every three weeks six ejaculation

5 x9 = = = > 45 50. Every four weeks ejaculation 5 times

6 x9 = 54 = = > 60. Every five weeks ejaculation 4 times

7 x9 = 63 = = > 70. Every six weeks ejaculation three times

8 x9 = 72 = = > 80. Every seven weeks ejaculation 2 times

9 x9 = 81 = = > 90. Every eight weeks ejaculation 1 times

Clinically found that, if the prostatic stone capacity is much, the patient will have a voiding difficulties, waist sore in the night, the symptom such as urinary frequency; Treatment, if less number stone, patients can be timely way with masturbation, shoot stones, or it may be required surgery to remove.


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