
The clinical significance of semen analysis

The clinical significance of semen analysis

Testicular song fine fine fine functions have been students drugs or other factors affecting or damage, semen can appear more pathological immature sperm cells.

Normal reference value

Deformity sperm: < 10%-15%; Agglutinate sperm: < 10%; Immature sperm cells: < 1%.

Clinical significance

1. Varicocele sperm deformity of the patients increased, indicating that the sperm in a it has entered the semen, or venous stagnation in the scrotum caused by high temperature and testicular tissue of oxygen, or blood toxicity metabolism product from the kidney or venous reflux to testicular adrenal, these reasons are detrimental to sperm forms.

2. Semen agglutinate sperm increased, indicating that the reproductive tract infection or abnormal immune function.

3. Fine fine fine testicular music students functions have been drugs or other factors affecting or damage, semen can appear more pathology sex not mature fine


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