
Sperm is how to "growth"?

Sperm in the testes of fine fine canal after generated curve, and no immediate tadpole-looking feature formed sperm, testicular sperm to within sperm mature experience in epididymis process, as well as in a woman's reproductive tract by experience can process.

Sperm in four to six meters long epididymis during operation in a series of complex changes. Sperm in a mature process, bulk slightly smaller, reduce water content. The most obvious change is not mature sperm body of the cytoplasm droplets move backward, and eventually take off. In some infertility patients in the semen of, can see a lot not take off the cytoplasm little drops of immature sperm.

Testicular sperm can come out inside activities, but in the head of epididymis section, namely lose activity ability. Sperm in the process of operation within the epididymis, and gradually gain the ability to move. First place swings, and then a circle round type movement, and finally the mature sperm swing type to the peculiar before sports. Therefore, observe the sperm movement way, and the measure of whether mature sperm a index.

In addition, in the process of mature sperm, sperm membrane permeability change, such as potassium ion permeability increase, the emergence of a platoon sodium function, the enzyme activity and metabolism important influence.

Sperm in the movement process of epididymis surface negative charge increase, this can make the sperm in epididymis when storing in, because the charge of reactive gay role, and not together to form a dough.

Should also pointed out that some of the coating of secretions epididymis sperm surface, including one containing saliva sour glycoprotein. All the signs are that, transfer to the sperm of the surface of the important saliva acid physiological functions:

(1) saliva contains carboxylic acid of sugar, a negative, the mature sperm in the process of the main reason for the surface load increasing, which is the increase of saliva acid.

(2) from immunology perspective, the saliva acid have covered the function of sperm specific antigen, which makes the sperm in the long mature and operation process, not be immune active fine recognition and cause their own immune response. Congenital saliva acid shift enzyme deficiency or due to bacteria saliva acid enzyme action, which can lead to immune infertility.

(3) contain saliva acid can top the whole stable glycoprotein cell membranes, and thus inhibit sperm top body reaction. In this sense, the glycoprotein should also belong to go to factor.

Injection sperm surface adhesion have epididymis and seminal vesicle gland a to can factor. The so-called acquisition process is to remove the factors and get sperm surface fertilization of the ability to process, this will make the structure and function of the sperm membrane happened dramatic change.

Go to the removal of the main factors on cervical, the womb and the fallopian tube of β amylase, liquid trypsin, beta androstanediol enzyme and the saliva acid enzyme, the latter in follicle in liquid content is also high. So, directly from the sperm has not epididymis fertilization ability, and take these sperm in female reproductive tract after some time, we take out for in vitro fertilization trial, just have fertilization ability.

Sperm get function after, sperm membrane not increase stability, and to suppress the top body reaction except factor, sperm can occur top body reaction.


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